Jawa Dwipa https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa <div id="journalDescription"> <p> <img src="blob:https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/a79c579c-5f29-45a0-844a-28d67097b286" alt="" /></p> <p>Jawa Dwipa : Jurnal Penelitian dan Penjaminan Mutu dengan ISSN Online <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1595311501" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">2723-3731</span></span></strong></a> dengan <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smrjxdG7ukKUwFNUbr_WfDma0XZmQRHA/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>SK no. 0005.27233731/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.08</strong></a> - 4 Agustus 2020 (mulai edisi Juni 2020) </span></span>yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penerbit Sekolah Tinggi Hindu Dharma Klaten Jawa Tengah mulai tahun 2020. Jawa Dwipa : Jurnal Penelitian dan Penjaminan Mutu merupakan Jurnal Online Sekolah Tinggi Hindu Dharma Klaten Jawa Tengah terbit setiap bulan<strong> Juni</strong> dan <strong>Desember</strong> yang menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian mahasiswa, tenaga kependidikan maupun dosen dan artikel yang berkaitan dengan penjaminan mutu</p> <p>Jawa Dwipa Jurnal Penelitian dan Penjaminan Mutu saat ini telah terindeks <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&amp;user=vGa1trcAAAAJ&amp;authuser=3&amp;scilu=&amp;scisig=AMD79ooAAAAAXvi4eUBLvI5DsU0gRW1AKl7zN0e2Lt81&amp;gmla=AJsN-F7J1GImtDAo43Ya6j6mk_SDl19nUNSbcG6pVqFmSw8LQ75mYKvluZnPdDMW2SNfo1oPhQ8qXnavCSodwHb1-deE99NOnRg9zSR5qIOa5HWX3C_-XYo&amp;sciund=3313391933155061368" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>CALL FOR PAPER</strong></p> <table class="announcements" style="border: 0px none; border-spacing: 0px; font-size: 12.6px; width: 715px; color: #333333; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; background-color: #ffffff; height: 200px;"> <tbody> <tr class="intro" style="display: inline-block; background-color: #fff2db; border: 1px dotted orange; padding: 10px;"> <td class="intro" style="display: inline-block; background-color: #fff2db; border: 1px dotted orange; padding: 0.25em 0.5em;" colspan="2"> <p style="margin: 1em 0px;">Tim Redaksi <strong>Jawa Dwipa : Jurnal Penelitian dan Penjaminan Mutu</strong> mengundang penulis untuk mengirimkan artikel di <strong><a href="https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/about/submissions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINI</a>.</strong><br /><strong>Jawa Dwipa : Penelitian dan Penjaminan Mutu</strong> diterbitkan dua kali setahun di bulan <strong>Juni</strong> dan <strong>Desember</strong></p> <p style="margin: 1em 0px;">Jika sudah memiliki nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk <strong>Jawa Dwipa : Penelitian dan Penjaminan Mutu </strong>silahkan <strong><a style="text-decoration: none; color: #a41597;" href="http://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/login" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LOGIN</a></strong></p> <p style="margin: 1em 0px;">Butuh nama pengguna dan kata sandi?<a style="text-decoration: none; color: #a41597;" href="http://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/user/register" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <strong>KE REGISTRASI</strong></a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> Lembaga Penerbit Sekolah Tinggi Hindu Dharma Klaten en-US Jawa Dwipa 2723-3731 FILSAFAT SEBAGAI ILMU KRITIS DAN PERANNYA DALAM KEHIDUPAN MANUSIA https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/99 <p><em>Philosophy is the mother of all sciences that directs people to think critically, rooted and deep. In this context the author focuses on the philosophical mindset in human life. Philosophy and science are two words that are related to each other, both substantially and historically because the birth of science cannot be separated from the role of philosophy, on the contrary the development of science strengthens the existence of philosophy. The birth of philosophy in Greece on the minds of the Greeks from the point of view of methodology eventually disappeared and in turn it was ratio that was dominant. With philosophy, the mindset that always depends on God is transformed into a mindset that depends on ratios. Natural events such as eclipses are no longer considered as activities of sleeping Gods, but are natural occurrences caused by the sun, moon and earth being in parallel lines, so that the moon's shadow falls on part of the earth's surface. For this reason, this process requires a basic pattern of thinking and a pattern of thinking based on how science is used as a basis for discussing reality.</em></p> Suranto Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 5 2 104 113 10.54714/jd.v5i2.99 PERSEPSI SISWA TERHADAP MATA PELAJARAN AGAMA HINDU DI SMAN 8 DENPASAR https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/96 <p><em>This study aims to explore students perceptions of Hindu Religious Education subjects at SMAN 8 Denpasar. Hindu Religious Education has an important role in shaping students' character and morals, especially in the context of learning in secondary schools. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study technique, which involved in-depth interviews and observations to collect data from Hindu students at SMAN 8 Denpasar. The research subjects were selected through purposive sampling. The results showed that students perceptions of Hindu Religious Education subjects tend to be positive, especially related to the moral and spiritual values taught. However, there are also some students who feel that religious education is not very prospective in the world of work. Factors that influence students perceptions include the teacher’s teaching methods, the influence of the social environment, and its relationship with the world of work. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the teaching of Hindu Religious Education should emphasise a more contextual and applicable approach, so that students can feel the relevance of the lessons in their lives. This research is expected to provide insights for the development of teaching methods that are more effective in increasing students' understanding and appreciation of Hindu Religious Education subjects.</em></p> Gede Agus Siswadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 5 2 1 22 10.54714/jd.v5i2.96 ANALISIS FUNGSI BPD (BADAN PERMUSYAWARATAN DESA): STUDI PADA BPD DI DESA PENDARUNGAN KECAMATAN KABAT KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/108 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the implementation of the functions of the Village Representative Body (BPD) in Pendarungan Village, Kabat District, Banyuwangi Regency, as well as the factors that drive and hinder its performance. According to Banyuwangi Regency Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2017, the BPD has three main functions: discussing and agreeing on village regulations, accommodating and channeling community aspirations, and overseeing the performance of the village head. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that the implementation of the BPD's functions in Pendarungan Village has not been fully optimal. The function of discussing village regulations is not effective due to the lack of initiative and attendance of BPD members. However, the function of channeling community aspirations works fairly well, although not all aspirations are immediately followed up. The oversight of the village head's performance is also hindered by delays in reporting from the village head. Factors that support the BPD's performance include adequate facilities and sufficient budget, while the main obstacles are delays in reporting on development and the lack of cohesion among BPD members. This study recommends improving coordination, increasing the initiative of BPD members, and involving the BPD in every stage of village development planning to ensure that the BPD's functions can be optimally implemented, in accordance with the expectations of the community and applicable regulations.</em></p> Helda Maria Ulfa Safrieta Jatu Permatasari Niko Pahlevi Hentika Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 5 2 146 157 IMPLEMENTASI KEGIATAN SRADHA DAN BHAKTI DALAM MENANAMKAN KARAKTER RELIGIUS SISWA https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/94 <p><em>Sradha and bhakti activities are important things that students must carry out at school. At Elementary School 11 Cakranegara, sradha and bahkti activities take place with students playing around and even mocking, slandering, each other. The purpose of the research, is to conduct a study related to the implementation of sradha and bhakti activities in instilling the religious character of students, at &nbsp;Elementary School 11 Cakranegara. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive narrative approach. The data collection techniques used were non-participant observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data display, data verification, and conclusion drawing. The theories used are Social Learning Theory and Moral Development Theory. The results of this study indicate that the Implementation of Sradha and Bhakti Activities in instilling the religious character of students, namely the 7S Tradition, worship before and after learning, carrying out tri sandya, celebrating religious holidays, practicing tolerance towards people of other religions, having facilities for religious activities. The problems faced by teachers in instilling religious character are lack of student awareness, lack of parental motivation, lack of prayer places. Preventive steps taken by teachers to overcome problems in the application of sradha and bhakti, practice of sradha and bhakti, development of social skills, supervision and evaluation, intrensive communication between teachers and parents, development of spiritual skills.</em></p> Hendro Hukunala I Wayan Rudiarta Ni Wayan Ria Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 5 2 71 82 NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA HINDU DALAM RELIEF GARUDEYA DI CANDI SUKUH https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/106 <p><em>Sukuh Temple is one of the cultural heritage sites that has endured to the present day. The structure of Sukuh Temple features various relief carvings, one of which is the Garudeya relief, holding a significant religious role and function within spiritual life. The research problem is formulated around three research questions: the storyline depicted in the Garudeya relief, the meaning embedded within the Garudeya relief, and the values of Hindu religious education contained within it. The purpose of this research is to analyze, understand, and uncover the storyline, meanings, and educational values represented in the Garudeya relief. The findings of the research indicate that the Garudeya relief storyline is carved across five panels located on the first and third terraces of Sukuh Temple, illustrating the story of Garuda freeing his mother from enslavement. The Garudeya relief also carries profound meanings within the context of culture, spirituality, and history. The tale of Garuda reflects values such as sacrifice, perseverance, and bravery. Additionally, themes of devotion and filial piety (Guru Rupaka) are evident in Garuda’s efforts to liberate his mother from the shackles of bondage</em><em>.</em></p> Toto Margiyono Hastin Maharani Heri Purwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-10 2024-12-10 5 2 114 125 MENAFSIR KEMBALI KONSEP GRUNDNORM HANS KELSEN DALAM KONTEKS HUKUM DI INDONESIA https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/104 <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This research aims to reinterpret the concept of Grundnorm proposed by Hans Kelsen in the context of the legal system in Indonesia. Grundnorm or basic norm is a fundamental idea in Kelsen's pure theory of law, which serves as the basis for the validity of the hierarchy of norms in a legal system. In the Indonesian context, the legal system has its own uniqueness with a strong influence from the principles of Pancasila, customary law, and legal pluralism rooted in society. This research uses a juridical-normative approach with critical analysis of the relevance and application of the Grundnorm concept amidst the dynamics of Indonesian law. The results show that the Grundnorm in the Indonesian context can be interpreted as fundamental values contained in Pancasila, which serves as a constitutional and moral foundation for the national legal system. This interpretation strengthens the argument that Pancasila not only functions as a state ideology, but also as a universal value framework that integrates various elements of customary law, religion, and positive law. As such, this research contributes to the development of modern legal theory discourse by highlighting how local and cultural values can interact with global legal theories, such as the Grundnorm, to create an adaptive and relevant legal system for Indonesian society.</p> </div> </div> </div> Ari Nugraha Tubagus Damanhuri Gede Agus Siswadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 5 2 114 130 PESAN MORAL KERIS PUSAKA TRADISIONAL MASYARAKAT JAWA PADA SISWA PASRAMAN HINDU https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/97 <h1 style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 3.7pt .0001pt 0cm;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="letter-spacing: -.1pt; font-weight: normal;">The purpose of this study is to foster a sense of love back to Javanese culture, especially traditional heirloom krises, through the teaching of moral values contained in traditional heirloom krises. The object of this research is pasraman students. In fostering a sense of love for a culture that is almost lost requires socialisation to the community. One of them is giving lessons to pasraman students about the moral message of a traditional heirloom, namely Keris. With this learning, students are directed to preserve the tradition by forming a holistic understanding for Pasraman students about the importance of maintaining tradition, morality, and spirituality in their lives. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach used in collecting all research data through literature studies. The results of this study through learning the meaning and moral value of keris through symbols can provide knowledge to pasraman students about the meaning and moral values contained in traditional keris heirlooms. Some of the applications of the moral messages of traditional kris heirlooms by pasraman students are courage, firmness, spiritual strength and closeness to God, pride of identity and self-defence and strength. The delivery of the moral message of this kris heirloom uses several methods or approaches, namely the Visual and Practical approach, the Symbolism and Ricikan approach, the Story and Cultural Narrative approach and the Inscription Use Approach as a Moral Media. The impact of learning about the moral message of Javanese krises on the attitudes and behaviour of pasraman students can increase the value of simplicity and humility, foster respect and cultural pride, foster awareness of ethics and morality, the most important thing in this study is to educate and direct students to strengthen student character with three elements, namely tradition, morality and spirituality. The integration of these three elements can form a holistic understanding for Hindu Pasraman students about the importance of maintaining tradition, morality, and spirituality in their lives. </span></em></h1> Winarsih Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 5 2 51 70 10.54714/jd.v5i2.97 SIRAMAN MANTEN GAGRAG SURAKARTA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HINDU https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/95 <p><em>The aim of this research is to describe the procession and meaning contained in the Gagrag Surakarta siraman manten ceremony and perspectives in Hindusim. This research was conducted in Dompyongan, Jogonalan, Klaten. The data sources for this research are informants from cultural experts and Hindu religious figures in Dompyongan Village. Data collection uses in-depth interviews. Validity test uses theoretical triangulation techniques and data source triangulation. From the results of data analysis, it was found that the siraman manten gagrag procession in Surakarta included: sungkeman, siraman, mecahake kendhi, cut rikma, and bopongan. In the Hindu religious perspective, this procession has the meaning and purpose of ensuring that the bride and groom always obtain safety and remain physically and mentally happy with their partner and become a shukino bhavantu family.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;<strong>keyword : Siraman, Hindu perspective, manten garag Surakarta</strong></em></p> Shinta Tyas Pratisthita Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 5 2 23 35 10.54714/jd.v5i2.95 STUDI KOMPARASI KONSEP CINTA DALAM PANDANGAN ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER DAN SØREN AABYE KIERKEGAARD (Studi Reflektif terhadap Fenomena Bunuh Diri Atas Dasar Cinta) https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/107 <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This research aims to examine and compare the concept of love in the views of two great philosophers, Arthur Schopenhauer and Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, and relate it to the phenomenon of suicide caused by love. Love is often perceived as something beautiful because it involves deep feelings of affection, emotional closeness, and genuine attachment between individuals. Love is also described as a source of happiness, inspiration, and meaning in life. It brings people together, creates warmth, and provides invaluable emotional and moral support. Love also encourages individuals to act selflessly, sacrifice for the good of others, and grow into a better person. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach and text analysis. The results of this study show that Schopenhauer, with his pessimistic view, sees love as a manifestation of the irrational and selfish will to live, which often leads to suffering. Romantic love is an illusion created by the will to preserve the species, so disappointment in love can be very destructive, leading to feelings of despair and acts of suicide. In contrast, Kierkegaard, with his existentialist and religious approach, views love as an expression of subjectivity and individual decision that involves commitment and sacrifice. True love requires a leap of faith and a courageous decision, where failure in love can reflect a deep existential crisis.</p> </div> </div> </div> Annisa Ranah Zhafira Gede Agus Siswadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-11 2024-12-11 5 2 126 145 KONSEP PEDAGOGI HUMANIS PAULO FREIRE DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA BUDDHA https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/93 <p><em>It is time for Indonesia's golden generation to be filled with talented human beings with humanist souls. Of course this is a challenge that is not easy to realize, so it is necessary to contribute thoughts in constructing the idea of humanist education so that it becomes a reality in the future. The purpose of this research is to examine Paulo Friere's humanist pedagogy and its relevance to Buddhist religious education. This research is expected to contribute comprehensive knowledge and ideas in building a humanism-based education system in Indonesia. This research uses literature study and Miles and Huberman analysis method to analyze the collected data, data reduction, data presentation, and in-depth conclusion drawing. The results of this study show that there is a relevance between Paulo Friere's pedagogy and Buddhist education, both of which emphasize the principle of humanism in educating without involving elements of oppression and focusing more on the learning process as the main key to understanding social reality. Both have strong similarities about the purpose of education that leads to critical awareness and enlightenment of students achieved as the ultimate goal of education. Both also have similarities in viewing the position of teachers and students as an equal relationship and both complement each other.</em></p> Manggala Wiriya Tantra Rr. Siti Murtiningsih Gede Agus Siswadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 5 2 36 50 10.54714/jd.v5i2.93 ROMANTISME HUKUM HINDU DAN HUKUM NORMATIF DALAM HAK ASASI MANUSIA https://ejournal.sthd-jateng.ac.id/JawaDwipa/index.php/jawadwipa/article/view/105 <p><em>The source of Hindu law is found in the Manawa Dharmasastra Book which consists of five parts, namely: Sruti, Smrti, Sila, Events and Atmanastuti. The concept of human rights is contained in the Vedas, namely the Veda Sruti and Veda Smerti. There is equality in the Bhagavad Gita not only for humans but also for all living creatures, this can be read in the Sloka (Bhagavad Gita 5.18), while in normative law the basics of human rights law are stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 27 paragraph 1, Article 28, Article 29 paragraph 2, Article 30 paragraph 1, and Article 31 paragraph 1 (2). The law means that human rights consist of rights inherent in the nature and existence of humans as creatures of God Almighty and are His gifts which must be respected, upheld and protected by the state, law, government and every person for the sake of honor and protection of dignity. and human dignity (Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law No.39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and Law No.26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights Courts), then Pancasila as a source of human rights values ​​contains three human rights values, namely ideal values, instrumental values, and practical. These values ​​serve as guidelines for upholding human rights in everyday life in society. The normative value that most underlies Human Rights (HAM) is human greatness/dignity (human dignity). Human Rights in Hindu law and Normative Law are things that regulate human nature from the womb to birth, so this is where the romance or harmony between the two laws arises. </em></p> MM Sri Widayati Copyright (c) 2024 Jawa Dwipa 2024-12-10 2024-12-10 5 2 83 103